
Top 10 Most Downloaded Close the Chapter Podcast Episodes in 2023


Top 10 Most Downloaded Close the Chapter Podcast Episodes in 2023 I am deeply grateful for your unwavering support of the Close the Chapter Podcast. From our very first episode, which aired on April 22, 2019, to the 244 solo and guest episodes we’ve released since then, you have been there for us every step […]

Need to find balance again? Try this.


Need to find balance again? Try this.     Do you feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious and tired? Do you feel out of balance? Are you worrying over things that you cannot control? Are you spending too much time doing things that are not adding value to your life? Are you overscheduled? It might be time […]

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The secret to peace and freedom: delayering


The secret to peace and freedom: delayering   A baby comes into the world as a pure soul with no layers. For example, they don’t have any mind chatter or inner self-talk telling them they should or shouldn’t do or say something. They don’t have thoughts telling them they are not worthy or good enough. […]

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Are you sleep walking through your life?


Are you sleep walking through your life?     Do you feel stuck in a rut and doing the same old thing? So many people feel exactly the same way. You may not feel fulfilled with your life or hopeless that things can be different. When you start working on yourself, you will see your […]

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5 things to try when you don’t feel “good enough”


5 things to try when you don’t feel “good enough”   Do you look outside of yourself to feel better, and get a sense of “worthiness” or belonging? Do you ever think “If I just looked better/make more money/have a bigger house/lose weight/drive a nicer car, I would be happier and feel good enough?” We […]

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