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My name is Kristen D. Boice, and I’ve spent the last 15 years as a psychotherapist helping people build or rebuild healthy relationships, make life transitions, navigate grief, and deal with the hard stuff life throws at us.
And above all?
I’m here to help you process the past, accept yourself, and live more fully (and joyfully) in who you are—because sometimes that’s the hardest thing of all to do.
Think about it. Many of us are so layered up with conditioning around who we think we should be, or the people we want to be, it’s easy to lose track of who we are.
It isn’t until we take time to develop our self-awareness and feel inspired to take ownership of who we are, and who we want to be, that we can truly begin to shift into our next incredible phase.
Because when your relationship with yourself improves... magical things unfold.
You begin to love and understand all parts of who you are, and experience an unshakeable peace. You become less reactive and angry. And you rediscover how to let other people in, in healthy ways.
Will there still be parts about you wish were different? Of course.
Will you still experience not-enoughness? Sometimes.
Will life continue to throw you obstacles and curveballs? Absolutely.
However, as you stand secure in yourself, you develop the confidence and clarity to navigate all of it—and learn to close the chapters of your past, so you can open new doors.
That’s why I’m here to inspire you to deconstruct your conditioning and begin your journey towards becoming who you are, so you can make the change.
But now you might be wondering: “Who’s this lady and how did she get started doing all this in the first place?!”
In a way, I’ve always been a counselor—with a few pit stops along the road.
It all began with my very first client: Myself.
More specifically, myself at 8 years old, scribbling frantically in my diary.
My parents had just announced their divorce, and my mother (also a therapist) encouraged me to begin writing my thoughts down. My diary was my outlet to help me deal with my grief, and make sense of the changing dynamics in my life… and it lit a spark in me, even then.
It taught me early on how to do the work to process my feelings, heal, and become a better version of myself—and ever since, I’ve constantly been looking for ways to grow and evolve.
As a result, I fell in love with leadership and personal development in my teen years, which meant I was the one dorky college girl toting a self-help book along on Spring Break.
I was always a go-to for friends to process through problems, and I always had a non-judgmental ear, acknowledged their feelings and had a piece of advice or tidbit to share.
In one of my classes, we were asked to write our own obituary, and what we wanted to remembered for. I wrote: “I want to be remembered for setting people free to live out their life and their purpose, so they can can be exactly who they are in the world.”
But surprisingly, I didn’t become a therapist right away.
The tipping point would be my time as an executive at a Fortune 500 company—where I’d meet my next group of “clients”.
While I enjoyed the work I did, I also took on a role I liked much more: I became the unofficial company “life coach”.
My office door was always open to colleagues to sit and talk out their problems—and talk they did.
They’d come into my office crying, exhausted, or angry (sometimes all three), spilling all their frustrations and struggles to define their self worth and success in the workplace—and I’d hold space for all of it.
That’s when I realized: helping my colleagues sift through and understand their problems was far more fulfilling than the work I was being paid to do.
My day job felt like a dead end. I didn't want to be putting together Powerpoint decks and trying to secure sponsorships for the rest of my life! I felt called to something more, helping people in a deeper and more meaningful way.
And that was the moment I finally I decided to stop ignoring the tug in my heart that had been there since I was 8 years old.
Before long, I was back in school, pursuing my masters in marriage and family therapy, and the career of my dreams really began to unfold.
After a few years (and two babies), I eventually opened up my own private practice, Pathways to Healing Counseling—and this time, I sat in my office doing the work I was truly born to do, for the clients I was born to do it for.
In my practice, I support people as they improve their self-worth, help couples and families resolve conflicts and develop powerful communication skills and parenting strategies, make life transitions, grief and loss, reducing anxiety and working through trauma.
But at the core of it all, I’m able to instill hope that people could create possibilities, and develop a deep sense of inner peace—some for the first time ever.
Still: I wasn’t satisfied quite yet. I wanted to reach more people who didn’t have access to my private practice, or weren’t able to come and sit in my office.
Which is why I launched KristenDBoice.com, and why I’m writing this to…
With this site, my free resources, educational courses, podcast and my speaking and coaching work, I can do the work I love most on a larger scale than ever before.
I’m here to welcome you into a judgement-free zone, and inspire you to get on the path of becoming more self-aware, taking ownership of your stuff, and acknowledging the person you most want to be—so you can become them.
If you’re unhappy, anxious, or feeling like you’re not enough, you don’t have to accept where you are now as “forever”.
Instead, come with me, and let’s begin the gentle journey of delayering your beliefs, and facing the hard, so you can become who you are.
I promise you: there is hope, light, and peace waiting for you at the end.
- I was a DJ in the 90’s, spinning tunes at my high school radio station, 91.3 WHJE
- One of my all-time favorite things to do is go be on the lake (we live on one) with my family on a gorgeous summer day
- One of my favorite places to travel to is the Caribbean. There’s something about the sun, sand, and see that gets my creativity going like crazy! I feel alive at the beach!
- I volunteer leading staff retreats, speaking, providing training and leading workshops with local non-profits dealing with child abuse, domestic violence and trauma.
- I’m a dog mom to an adorable whippet, Dobby (named after a character from the Harry Potter series that he looks exactly like) and our newest member, Maker (another sweet whippet).
Looking for a quickie summary of my professional qualifications? Here it is:
Kristen earned a Master’s of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, graduating with honors from Indiana Wesleyan and received her Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Butler University. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), Close The Chapter podcast host, a member of the American Association of Family and Marriage Therapy (AAMFT), American Counseling Association (ACA) and EMDR International Association (EMDRIA), a trained EMDR clinician and a registered yoga teacher (RYT-200). She is also a certified Daring Way™ Facilitator (CDWF).