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Ways to Find Healing After a Natural Disaster or Trauma with Reina Lombardi, ATR-BC, ATCS, LMHC-QS| 10.23.2024

In this episode, Kristen expresses empathy and compassion for those affected by natural disasters, revisiting her 2022 conversation with Reina Lombardi, founder of Florida Art Therapy Services. They discuss the rebuilding process after a hurricane, the vital role of community support in coping with grief, and how art therapy can facilitate recovery.

You'll Learn

  • The deep emotional toll that natural disasters can take on individuals and communities.
  • How to support friends and family navigating the aftermath of a disaster
  • The complex emotions of grief and gratitude that can coexist after experiencing loss, and the importance of processing these feelings.
  • How creative initiatives can foster community resilience in the aftermath of traumatic events, such as natural disasters.
  • Practical steps for using art as a therapeutic outlet in the aftermath of a hurricane.




For counseling services near Indianapolis, IN, visit www.pathwaystohealingcounseling.com.

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This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about ideas on stress management and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not psychotherapy/counseling in any form.