Effective Communication Strategies to Work Through Hard Conversations with Amy Green Smith | 12.06.2023
In this episode, Kristen sits down with Amy Green Smith, a certified life coach and courageous communication expert. They delve into overcoming the fear of difficult conversations and navigating self-worth and perfectionism in effective communication.
You'll Learn
- The concept of conversational consent and its role in effective communication.
- The significance of post-cool down conversations in building self-awareness.
- Helpful strategies for overcoming the fear of challenging conversations with loved ones, friends, and colleagues.
- Key lessons on prioritizing self-worth and authenticity in communication.
For counseling services near Indianapolis, IN, visit www.pathwaystohealingcounseling.com.
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This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about ideas on stress management and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not psychotherapy/counseling in any form.