A Conversation About Psychiatric Medications with Justin Bethoney, Psych NP
In this episode, Kristen talks with Justin Bethoney, Psych NP, a nurse practitioner and author of The Mental Wellness Diet, Ancient Wisdom, Evolving Science, Modern-Day Options, about medications, different types and viewpoints on medications that will help you along as you explore healthy modalities for your healing process.
You'll Learn
- Classification of psychiatric medications
- Research on addiction to psychiatric medications
- Different perspectives on medications
- Functional medicine and mental health
For counseling services near Indianapolis, IN, visit www.pathwaystohealingcounseling.com.
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This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about ideas on stress management and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not psychotherapy/counseling in any form.